
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Council Reputations in Need of Running Repairs

We've had a disturbing response to one of our e-mails seeking support for our website and program. When you get e-mails say things like this, "councils are bloody hopeless and full of people not qualified for the positions they hold. Do not send this stuff to me again" I have to say, it is very troubling.

When we receive responses like this we need think hard and to get to work with people, people we think are good people, helping them, councillors and officer, repair their reputation. We need to get things back to the way it was before when we were in control. By and large we are in charge but if things get out of hand we will see all kinds of unwelcomed developments. All costly!

Social media is the thing to be on the watch out for. People now have ways of communicating that just a short time ago none of us really had. 

Ideas for using social media to repair reputations would be much appreciated. Also, carefully moderated lists of potential supporters would also be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I can only think of two possible responses here.

    1) Counselling for the critics who are so sadly mistaken in their negative thoughts and/or
    2) Take names and addresses (where possible) and act accordingly next time these people expect services from Council or favours (like rate reductions).
